Where in the city can I develop a particular use?


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Where in the city can I develop a particular use?

Do you want to find out where a project or specific use can happen in our city, but are not quite sure where to start? No worries, we’re here to help. To help guide you to the answers in the IDO, we’ve put together this step-by-step workbook that will help you get key pieces of information for your property or land use and then direct you to the parts of the IDO that provide answers.


1. Determine What Land Use(s) You Are Interested In

The IDO lists allowable uses in the rows of Table 4-2-1. We'll walk you through everything you need to look up in this table in the next few steps.


Table 4-2-1: Allowable Uses is organized into six categories of land uses.

Residential uses are listed first, as there are more residential properties than any other use in the city. The other use categories are alphabetical, and any sub-categories are also alphabetized. Uses are listed alphabetically under each category and sub-category.

Accessory and Temporary use categories are listed last in the table.

Definitions in Section 7-1 may be helpful in determining which use best describes the desired activity on the property.

Click below to see uses in each category:


note iconNote the name of the use or uses you are interested in and continue to the next step to figure out what zone district allows each use.

2. Identify Which Zone Districts Allow the Use(s) You Are Interested In

The Allowable Uses table indicates which uses are allowed in each zone district.

Zone Districts

You can read the purpose for each zone district in IDO Part 14-16-2.

Zone Districts are organized into three categories:

  • Residential: allows predominantly residential uses and some civic/institutional uses
  • Mixed-use: allows residential and non-residential uses
  • Non-residential: allows non-residential uses


Allowable Uses

Table 4-2-1 identifies which uses are allowed in each zone in a table. Uses are listed in rows, and zones are listed in columns. Within each category of zones, zone districts are listed from least intense to most intense. In general, more uses are allowed in more intense zones.Where a letter appears in the box where the use and zone overlap, that use is allowable in that zone. If no letter appears, the use is not allowed in that zone.

  • Uses listed as “P” or “A” are permissive and do not require additional approvals for the use. A site plan will still need to be approved to ensure that you meet required development standards.
  • Learn more about what development standards will be required here.
  • Learn more about the review/approval process for Site Plans here.
  • Uses listed as “C,” “CA,” or “CV” require an additional approval from the Zoning Hearing Examiner per Table 6-1-1 and IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(A).
  • Temporary Uses require approval from the ZEO per IDO Subsection 14-16-6-5(D), unless otherwise stated in the Use-specific Standard for a specific temporary use.


note iconNote which zones allow the use you are interested in, and what the allowance is for this use (e.g. P, A, C, etc.) in each zone.

3. Check Use-specific Standards


You will also need to check for any Use-specific Standards associated with any use you are interested in. Use-specific Standards in IDO Subsection 14-16-4-3 may limit uses, change development standards, or change review/approval processes under certain circumstances.



The column on the right in Table 4-2-1: Allowable Uses includes a cross reference to any relevant use-specific standard. If the use or uses that you are interested in have a Use-specific Standard, use this Step-by-Step Guide to walk you through what might apply on a property you are interested in.


note iconFor each use you are interested in, note the reference number of the Use-specific Standards and whether the standard applies to particular zone districts.

4. Find Zone Districts on a Map

Use this map to find the properties in Albuquerque that are zoned for the use you want.


You can zoom in and click on any property to see a pop-up window with more information.

To turn on individual Zone Districts, click “Layers.” Check the boxes in front of the different zone districts to turn them on or off.

Send Yourself a Report

Use the form below to send yourself a report with the information you collected as a PDF.

Where can a use be developed in the city?

Create and email yourself a property report

Use the maps and drop-down forms in each section to get information about what and how you can build on your chosen property. You can enter your email address at the bottom of the page to send yourself a copy of the information.

note iconBased on Table 4-2-1: Allowable Uses, use this text box to note which zone districts allow the use you're interested in. Be sure to note the letter in the cell under the Zone District columns. 

A blank cell means this zone district does not allow the use or uses you are interested in. Look at other zones to see if a different zone allows the use or combination of uses.

"P" means the zone district generally allows the use permissively without further need for approval of the use.

A site plan will still need to be approved to ensure that you meet required development standards.

  • Learn more about what development standards will be required here.
  • Learn more about the review/approval process for Site Plans here.

Continue to the next step to check whether the Use-specific Standard prohibits the use, makes the use Conditional, or changes the development standards under certain circumstances.

"C" means the use can be a primary use of the property but is conditional in the Zone District. An approval from the Zoning Hearing Examiner per Table 6-1-1 and IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(A) is required for this use.

Continue to the next step to check whether the Use-specific Standard prohibits the use, makes the use Conditional, or changes the development standards under certain circumstances.

"A" means that this accessory use is allowed permissively in this zone district but must be paired with a primary use on the site (either a “P” or “C” use), either already existing or developed at the same time as the accessory use.

Continue to the next step to check whether the Use-specific Standard prohibits the use, makes the use Conditional, or changes the development standards under certain circumstances.

"CA" means that this accessory use must be paired with a primary use on the site (either a “P” or “C” use) and that the use is conditional. An approval from the Zoning Hearing Examiner per Table 6-1-1 and IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(A) is required for this use.

Continue to the next step to check whether the Use-specific Standard prohibits the use, makes the use Conditional, or changes the development standards under certain circumstances.

"CV" means that this use is only allowed in an existing building that has been vacant for at least 5 years and is conditional. You will need to show that it has been continuously vacant through utility bills, Notice of Value, or registry for a vacant building. An approval from the Zoning Hearing Examiner per Table 6-1-1 and IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(A) is required for this use.

Continue to the next step to check whether the Use-specific Standard prohibits the use, makes the use Conditional, or changes the development standards under certain circumstances.

"T" means the use is allowed on the property for a limited time period. Be sure to read the use-specific standard for the use, if there is one, to read about what process might be required. Continue to the next step to check the Use-specific Standard.

Read more about the process for a temporary use permit in IDO Subsection 14-16-6-5(I).

If there is no use-specific standard, or for more information, call Code Enforcement at 505-924-3850.

Next Steps and Other Considerations

What uses can be developed on a property?

What are the Development Standards for my property?

What Review/Approval process will I need to go through when I’m ready to develop?


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