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Nov/Dec Focus Groups - Policy Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet includes all policies sorted by the Comprehensive Plan chapter distributed during Focus Groups the week of November 30 - December 4, 2015. These policies are compiled from the existing Comprehensive Plan, Area Plans, and Sector Development Plans. The next step for the Project Team is to review these policies to determine what's missing, what's overlapping, what should be applied County-wide, and what should remain specific policies for smaller geographic areas. Your input is welcome!
Nov/Dec Focus Groups - Policy Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet includes all policies sorted by the Comprehensive Plan chapter distributed during Focus Groups the week of November 30 - December 4, 2015. These policies are compiled from the existing Comprehensive Plan, Area Plans, and Sector Development Plans. The next step for the Project Team is to review these policies to determine what's missing, what's overlapping, what should be applied County-wide, and what should remain specific policies for smaller geographic areas. Your input is welcome!