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IDO Annual Update 2023 - Council Memo - Tribal Engagement

These amendments and comments will be reviewed by the EPC at a hearing on December 14, 2023

This memo from Councilor Fiebelkorn proposes amendments to IDO Subsections 14-16-7-114-16-6-4(J), 14-16-6-4(J)(6), 14-16-6-5(A), and 14-16-6-5(A)(2).

  • See other proposed Citywide amendments.  
  • Send written comments to abctoz@cabq.gov for consideration at future hearings.
  • Review staff responses, other emailed comments, and hearing details (including Zoom link) on this EPC webpage.
  • Planning staff held an open house in November to answer questions. See details here.
  • Planning staff held 2 trainings in October to review these items. See meeting materials here
  • Planning staff held 2 general trainings on the IDO in September. See meeting materials here.
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These amendments are long overdue and the failure to actively include tribal representatives or to respect the pleas of NPS and neighborhood representatives to engage with and respect Native American voices and values when deciding amendments and development on the NW mesa has led to the approval of plans or changes that are in conflict with the protection of culturally sensitive landscapes. The passage by City Council of changes to the NW Mesa Escarpment VPO-2 last year is but one example. I appreciated Councilor Fiebelkorn's consistent opposition in both LUPZ and at Council to the VPO-2 changes. I wonder if those would have passed if Native American voices and views had been explicitly included in the deliberations.
Tribal nations should have a say in development that potentially impacts their lands or their sacred sites. I support these amendments.
If I recall correctly; Councilor Fiebelkorn made an impassioned speech in support of tribal objections against VPO-2 late one night at Council (one of the June 2023 meetings?)--and then voted against their interests!
Acknowledgement and genuine inclusion of Native American and tribal voices is long overdue and examples of highly impactful changes made without the inclusion of their voices and values are readily identified. The public comment from Native American voices at the June 2022 meeting of Council where the 2022 IDO was passed are only the most recent example. I have personally watched hearing where tribal leadership and representatives were present and testified. It is past time to mandate their inclusion and attention to their views.