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IDO Annual Update 2023 - Council Memo - Boat and RV parking

These amendments and comments will be reviewed by the EPC at a hearing on December 14, 2023

This memo from Councilor Grout proposes amendments to IDO Subsection 14-16-5-5(B)(4)(d).

  • See other proposed Citywide amendments.  
  • Send written comments to abctoz@cabq.gov for consideration at future hearings.
  • Review staff responses, other emailed comments, and hearing details (including Zoom link) on this EPC webpage.
  • Planning staff held an open house in November to answer questions. See details here.
  • Planning staff held 2 trainings in October to review these items. See meeting materials here
  • Planning staff held 2 general trainings on the IDO in September. See meeting materials here.
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Commenting is closed for this document.

The purpose for this change needs to clearly define the issue it purports to address.
Agree with other comments that this issue needs to be widely advertised and discussed.
This seems to really discriminate against folks that live in areas with smaller lots and no alley access (much of Victory Hills, for example). The front yard area may be their only option.
please proof read for typos
What happened to the current 5-5(B)(4)(d), which currently reads "4. No part of the vehicle may extend over any public sidewalk or into any required clear sight triangle."

and what about items 5 through 11?? This memo is totally unclear; how does it affect the rest of the Section and where does it now say that you cannot block clear sight triangle??
in reply to Peter Swift's comment
Agreed. This is a taking, this is a substantive issue that affects multiple residents and visitors alike. Albuquerque has always been a place for travelers, why would this be disallowed.

What is the motivation for this? The term 'council' is not enough, requesting that the source field for public date to be amended to include '...in discussions with .....' so that it is clear why this is needed.

Perhaps what is needed is a time limit? But this type of amendment, on that affects every single resident, needs to go through a different process than one that reaches to 50-100 persons in order for the concept of notification to hold up in court.


This change will have a significant impact on many residents who currently own RVs, boats, or trailers. A change of this magnitude should have more opportunity for public notice and comment than has been provided here. Note that the date of the memo is October 20, 2023.
This proposed change would have substantive impacts on city residents who currently park RVs, boats, or trailers in driveways that face the street. Given that the memo is dated October 20, 2023, this seems like insufficient time for public notice and comment for a substantive change to the IDO.